Resplendent “Wings Beneath the Sills”

Format:  CD, 6 songs, © 2003

Released by Mixx Tape

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Track listing

  1. Resolution Time
  2. Luminescent Exultant Chariot
  3. Wordsnotenough
  4. Wings Beneath the Sills
  5. Nape of Neck Hints
  6. Sleeptalking in the Natatorium

Band members: Michael Lenzi

Liner Notes:

Resplendent II

  1. resolution time. flute 1: chris neal. flute 2: katrina waiter
  2. lumniscent exaltant chariot
  3. wordsnotenough. percussion: e roth. guitar: patrick o’connell
  4. wings beneath the sills. guitar: patrick o’connell. french horn: christine worthing. percussion: e roth
  5. nape of neck hints
  6. sleeptalking in the natatorium

all songs written/performed/recorded/mixed by mlenzi at plastic skull 2003. additional flute, french horn, percussion parts written/arranged by e roth

replendent appreciates Jane Hirt, e roth, seth cohen, kurt volk, tony rolando, patrick o’connell, patrick monaghan, jim newberry (for the pic) and all those who care

respect and special thanks to strummer/jones/headon/simonon for vocal melody in resolution time

lyrics available upon request

mixx tape #2, distributed by Carrot Top

Contact  Resplendent: Michael Lenzi,
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