Number One Cup “Divebomb” – SP003

Band: Number One Cup

Format: 7-inch vinyl, 4 songs, © 1994

Genre:  Indie rock

Side a: “Divebomb” and “I’m Found Out”

Side b: “Rent-a-Tent” and “That’s the Spirit!”

Sorry, sold out.

Special features: This 7-inch includes the first-ever release of the song “Divebomb,” which went on to become something of a hit in England after its second release on Flydaddy Records.  On the strength of “Divebomb,” the band toured around Europe, especially England. They also recorded two Peel sessions, John Peel being a friend of the band’s since receiving his first Sweet Pea Records Number One Cup 7-inch in the mail at BBC Radio One. (And he once even left us a message on our answering machine. We thought it was a joke at first, but he was a very nice man who loved getting DIY records from little labels. He said he was drawn by our scrappy packaging: two cardboard squares taped together on all four sides with packing tape.)

This record, whose official title is “indie Soft-Core Denial,” features a very cool, hand-made cover. The sleeve is cardboard with a die-cut window, through which you see one of four drawings, depending on how you rotate the record inside. Wrapped around the sleeve is a black band (screen-printed by Steve W. at Screwball) with the liner notes. This took forever to assemble in our living room at 1515 W. Hollywood Ave. in Chicago.

Related release: The band later released a UK-only CD EP including “Divebomb.” It’s featured under the “related releases” tab on this site, and you can buy it here.

Band members: Michael Lenzi (drums), Seth Cohen (guitar vocals), Jenni Snyder (bass), Pat O’Connell (guitar)

Liner notes:  Recorded mostly at Idful (partially on 4 track) in July 1994 by John McEntire and mixed mostly by Brad Wood. Played by Michael Lenzi, Jenni Snyder, Seth Cohen and Patrick O’Connell all of whom may be written to at PO Box 577017, chicago, il 60657-7017. (this address outdated, obviously)

Have a listen:

1. “Divebomb” This is one of Jane’s Sweet Pea favorites, so here’s the whole song.

2. 54 seconds of “I’m Found Out

3.  56 seconds of “Rent a Tent

4. 42 seconds of “That’s the Spirit

Front and back covers. 4 fronts show four illustrations that could show up in the window)



Number One Cup Divebomb

Scan copy


Divebomb lyrics:

Squeal if you want to
You shouldn’t have to think that hard
It could be rocks and it could be glue
It could be anything anything

And I heard about your vacation
I saw it on the TV station
It came down down down down down down down down
Like a divebomb

Lincoln, Nebraska
It is so much further than Juneau, Alaska
You get what you pay for in either town

And I heard about your vacation
I saw it on the TV station
It came down down down down down down down down
Like a divebomb

Say goodbye to California
I tried to warn ya
When you piss in the wind
It comes down down down down

Like a divebomb

Photos of the band and friends assembling this 7-inch in Jane Hirt’s living room at 1515 W. Hollywood Ave., Chicago in June 1994. (As they worked they watched O.J. Simpson’s famous slow-speed chase through L.A. on TV)

Divebomb 12607214_10153833400573798_1223207244_n 1928839_1161676267176205_8306821945023035818_n
Sweet Pea Records catalog

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