Hooker cassette tape – SP007

Hooker, Hooker o.k., Hooker OK, cassette

Band: Hooker

Format: Cassette tape, 12 songs, © 1994

Genre: lo-fi indie rock

Special feature: This was a co-release with the Flying Buttress label. It was Flying Buttress’ first release.

Track listing:

  1. Glenda Jackson
  2. Sears Tower
  3. Difficult to Tell
  4. Little Metal Pieces
  5. Grounded Wire
  6. Another Lie
  7. Dreamland
  8. Nervous Trick
  9. Los Angeles
  10. You Shine
  11. You Are The King of The Nighttime World
  12. Holiday Inn

Liner notes:  Written and recorded by  Michael E. Kirts and Patrick O’Connell

Band members: Michael E. Kirts and Patrick O’Connell

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Front cover


Sweet Pea Records catalog

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